Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The house

BOOM Chance woke up to a loud noise. He gets up and starts to look for an light switch. He moves everything of the counter to find the light switch. Turn the light on. He turns away to the light beaming on his face. He gets up like and old zombie, moaning and groaning. He opens his door and yells mom was that you. Then starts to realize that his mom doesn’t get off work till 3 more hours. He looks right then left. Pitch dark. He yells if anyone was in the house.. No response. He turn around and just doesn’t think about the noise. He starts to play videogames. He’s talking to his friends. Then in the right of his side is the door to his room. Out of nowhere the door slams open. He jumps and when he looked no one was there that could have open the door. He stands there in fear. His heart is pounding. He run to the bathroom and tries to call his mom. He turn on his phone and says no service. He open the bathroom door slowly and look right and left. He see nothing but darkness. Then he slowly walk out of the door. He runs to his bed room door and slams it shut and locks the door making sure no one was going to get in. he starts to think what is happening. Then he start to ember that his dad commented suicide in the house because he didn’t want to live anymore. He start to yell dad like the ghost hunting shows. He yells dad no more please you were the best dad in the world. Chance had to sneeze. He tried to hold it in and then it came out.

‘Blesse you’

He screamed and start to run outside of his room trying to make a break outside of his house. Something had grab him and knock him out. He started to fell dizzy not knowing what was happening. He start to hear mumbling an people talking. Then he saw a person tall with a mask on. He looked side to side then ran to the only door in the room. The tall guy stood up and grab him. Brusing his arm. The tall guy looked at him and throw him to the ground and told him not to fight. He asked “ why are doing this”

chance tried to grab the mask off him to see who he was. the guy knoked him out again. Chance woke up. All his friend were around him and told him.